Report an Issue

Below are some useful links to pages where you can report issues to North Yorkshire Council. Reporting these directly will normally result in a fast conclusion and means that you will be directly kept informed of the resolution. If your can not find a way to report your issue or are unsure who should deal with the issue please contact the Parish Council using our Contact form.

Street Lighting Faults

If you notice a street light that is not operating correctly then please report it to North Yorkshire Council using their online street light fault reporting system. 

Report A Street Lighting Issue

Dog Fouling Issues

If you would like to report any dog fouling issues then please report it to the Environmental Team at North Yorkshire Council using their online dog fouling fault reporting form for the Hambleton Area.

Report Dog Fouling Issues in Hambleton District

Potholes & Other Road Condition Issues

If you spot any potholes and road condition issues then these should be reported to the North Yorkshire Council Highways Team via their potholes and road condition issues reporting system.

Report Potholes & Other Road Condition Issues

Report A Pathway Obstruction Issue

Report a non-emergency grass cutting, vegetation or verge issue. If the issue is causing an immediate danger to the safety of road users, it is classed as an emergency and you should contact us by telephone to report an emergency on 0300 131 2 131.

Report A Pathway Obstruction Issue

Bin Collection Issues

If you have had an issue with your Bin or Recycling Collection then please report it to the Recycling Team at North Yorkshire Council using their online bin collection fault reporting form.

Report A Bin Collection Issue

Fly Tipping Problems

If you have spotted any fly tipping or issues with rubbish in unwanted places around the village, or over flowing bins then please report it to the Street Cleaning Team at North Yorkshire Council using the online fly tipping reporting system. For more information about Fly Tipping see the North Yorkshire Councils Fly Tipping Page. If the rubbish is close to water then it would be better to report it to the Environment Agency using the online Environment Agency fly tipping reporting form.

Report A Fly Tipping Problem

Other Dog Fouling Issues:

To report an issue, damage to or problems with dog fouling bins please use North Yorkshire Councils reporting system. For more information and to report dog fouling issues in other areas see the North Yorkshire Councils Dog Fouling Page

Other Highways Issues:

If you spot any road signs, markings or bollard issues, these can be reported through the road signs, markings and bollard issues reporting system, for any issues with pavements and kerbs use the pavements and kerbs issue reporting system. For more information about Highway Maintenance, gritting and more please see the North Yorkshire Council Roads and Pavements page.

Anything Else:

For more general issues or something not listed here see the North Yorkshire Council Website