Finding Planning Applications

May 2023

There are currently 8 online registers of planning applications available on the NYC website. These represent the previous legacy Council areas. It is planned in the future to join them up as one register.

These sites are often referred to as ‘the Planning Portal’, however the Planning Portal is a separate national website – most often used by agents to submit planning applications.

The 7 sites which represent the former districts are called ‘Public Access’, and the one representing the former County Council is the ‘Online Planning Register’. The former County Council register can be used to find information on planning applications for Waste, Minerals, as well as applications relating to education and social services. All other types of planning applications can be found on the former districts sites.

To navigate to the correct site from the Home page - Home | North Yorkshire Council select Planning & Conservation, and then select View and Comment on Planning applications.

You will then be given the option to either:

View and comment on minerals and waste or council planning applications


View and comment on planning applications in your area

Select as appropriate.

If you select View and comment on minerals and waste or council planning applications you will be taken to the former County Council Online Planning Register.

If you select View and comment on planning applications in your area. You will be taken to the following page:


Select View and comment on planning applications in your area from the green bar

You will be taken to the following page:


Input the town or village of interest (or one nearby if it’s an area of land you are interested in) and you will be taken to the relevant Public Access site – for example if you selected Selby – you would be taken to the site representing the area of the former Selby District Council. Please note – these sites represent the areas of the former councils – and not the new constituency areas.

The landing pages contain advice about what information is available for each site, and a user guide

Alternatively here are direct links:

As well as being able to view and comment on planning applications, you can also see planning appeals.

You can also access a weekly list of applications registered or determined within a particular week and also have the ability to search using a number of different criteria. If you save a search, you can be notified by email of any new applications matching the search criteria, we call this a ‘Development Alert’ and advice on how to set up is within the guidance note – How to Set up a development Alert.

If you require any further assistance – please do not hesitate to contact us at:

[email protected]