Planning Applications for Prior Years

Link to North Yorkshire Council Website Planning Section (Hambleton District)

You can also email the Planning Section for Hambleton at [email protected]

2021 Applications

To view further details about a particular application, make a note of the Reference Number, then click on the Reference Number below
and type the number into the panel at the bottom of the search form which will then be displayed, and Click "SEARCH".

Application for outline planning permission with some matters reserved (considering access) for the construction of 1no single storey dwelling: Land Adjoining Manor House Farm Morton On Swale Northallerton North Yorkshire DL7 9RJ. STATUS: WITHDRAWN
Steel portal framed agricultural building for the purpose of grain storage: First Fairholme Farm Fairholme Lane Morton On Swale North Yorkshire DL7 9RW. STATUS: GRANTED
Proposed detached double garage, porch structure, change of window to door opening and 1.5m high close board timber boundary fence - amended plans received 26.04.2021: 1 Swaledale Court, Morton-on-Swale. STATUS: GRANTED